Gill Wallis, Fiona Goldstone, Joanna Woolliscroft and Gillian Lea

Role: Consultant clinical psychologist-Adult family therapy lead

Your connection to the course: Over twenty years I ran a family therapy service in Adult Psychiatry in Stoke and the Staffordshire Moorlands and I sent several professionals to train on the excellent family therapy courses run at DERBY University

Grateful thanks for training several family therapy team members who once worked in North Staffordshire.

Over twenty years I ran a family therapy service in Adult Psychiatry in Stoke and the Staffordshire Moorlands and I sent several professionals to train on the excellent family therapy courses run at DERBY University.

You know many of my family team were trained down the years on the courses- right back through the twenty years that I ran an adult family service in Stoke -including Fiona Goldstone , Joanna Woolliscroft and Gillian Lea. So we couldn’t have provided the service to many Stoke and Staffordshire families without you. So thank you..