Your Role: Family and Systemic Practitioner in independent practice
Your connection to the course: Training leading to qualification in September 2015

With a mix of appreciation and sadness in hearing that the esteemed Derbyshire Systemic Training has run its course, I have drawn upon an excerpt from an early but ‘memorable assignment’…
‘’Whilst navigating a lesson early in my driving experience, labouring to co-ordinate the unfamiliar demands of ‘clutch-gears-brakes-steering-road-mirror-signal…’ it began to rain. Fully absorbed, I peered progressively closer to the increasingly rain-covered windscreen. The instructor, his skilled question holding an implicit observation of the rain-laden windscreen, obvious to even a casual observer, gently asked,
‘Might it be an idea to switch on the windscreen wipers?’
The glaringly obvious reached conscious level. I clumsily groped to add in yet another task, ‘Whilst still steering?!’ – It seemed outrageous.
I was rapidly rewarded with a clearer view – sudden relief at this renewed vision – yet moments before, barely able to identify my limitation within the total absorption of combining new tasks. Manoeuvre accomplished, I was enabled to reflect and learn from the process. I still wonder how long it would have taken me to act, had I not been prompted…
As early training progressed where did I see myself in the journey?
‘’…‘clutch-gears-brakes-steering-road-mirror-signal’ now has a clunky rhythm, my eyes are more able to focus on the road ahead, I can more readily converse with my fellow passengers and have packed in handy travel companions, such as ‘’Therapeutic Alliance’, ‘Curiosity’, ‘Attunement’, ’New Narratives’, ‘Humour’…but I need to add in plenty more. I see a very interesting journey ahead, with room for increased fluidity, particularly with the gear changes…’’
I finally reached the end of the training, and am so grateful to still be on the road… always curious, always learning, and deeply appreciative of where it all began…
The course may have completed its run, but there remain many more on the road and countless others who will have been positively impacted by therapists who have worked with them. The legacy of so much dedication runs on into the future, and my personal and heartfelt thanks go to tutors, peers and all the amazing people I encountered along the way.