Patchwork Text Assessment

A ‘patchwork text’ assignment refers to a piece of work that is assembled gradually over the course of a phase of teaching. It involves the creation of a sequence of short pieces of writing known as ‘patches’ These are designed to be as varied as possible and direct learners to meet the educational objectives of the teaching. The ‘patch’ is then shared in a small group using a structured reflecting team process where members of the group offer each other feedback. At the end of the semester, learners submit their patches along with a written synthesis that reflects on their learning journey. The process enables pivotal/critical learning moments to be identified and consolidated, either at the time or retrospectively. It also enables people to experience participating in a reflecting team.

References and Resources

The ‘Patchwork Text’ (accessed 17.05.21)

Akister, J. (2005). Using a Patchwork Text to assess family therapy students. Journal of Family Therapy, 27, 276–279

Dunn, M.M. and Morris, A.R. (1992). Narrative Quilts and Quilted Narratives: The Art of Faith Ringgold and Alice Walker. Explorations in Ethnic Studies, 15:1, 27-32