Celebration Patchwork and how to submit your patch.

Systemic Training in Derby.

There has been a systemic training course in Derby for over 20 years, first in the local NHS Trust and from 2001, at the University of Derby.  Very sadly the training courses within the University are coming to an end this year.  We want to mark this by inviting everyone who has had a connection to the training, as a student, expert by experience, tutor, or part of the Derbyshire AFT community to join us in creating and sharing a patch to form a virtual Celebration Patchwork.

Why a Patchwork?

The metaphor of a patchwork refers to the idea that a variety of pieces called patches, which individually are complete in themselves, are stitched together into something new, forming a patchwork.   The project builds on the process of Patchwork Text Assessment which has been integrated very successfully into our courses over the years.

We are inviting you to submit a patch about your connection to the Deby courses and DAFT.  We are interested in your stories about how the courses and events have contributed to your practice and personal and professional development over the years.

In the tradition of telling stories through quilts, the patches will be pieced together on a dedicated Celebration Patchwork website.  We want to create a rich and diverse resource with the opportunity for new stories and meaning to emerge. 

What do we want you to do?

Create a patch to share. Your patch can consist of words, images, video or audio. We want patches of all shapes and sizes, they can be as short as you like and if using text, up to 350 words. The front of your patch needs to include your name and any image you wish to provide.  Clicking on this will lead to another layer of the patch with your connection to the course and your story about it. You can use up to 350 words and audio or video files. We want patches of all shapes and sizes.

Submit your patch using this form which will guide you through the process.

Celebration Patchwork form

Please work within the guidance in the AFT Code of Ethics and Practice (2020) and be mindful about sharing any personal details or sensitive information.

The patchwork will be published on an open website. Please make sure that you own any material you are sharing or that it is freely available. Your email address will be retained for the purposes of contacting you about the project.

We look forward to seeing your contributions and bringing these together with those from other members of our systemic community.

Join us for the online conference; ‘Systemic Training: Celebration and Metamorphosis’ on the 4th of November when we will be sharing the Patchwork.
