Margaret Dimmock – Pausing to appreciate the view!

Your role: External Examiner Sept 2018 to Sept 2021

Your connection to the course: I feel very privileged to have been the External Examiner to the course for the past three years.

Pausing to appreciate the view!

I have very much enjoyed my time as External Examiner to the Systemic Programme. As I look back I can appreciate so many different aspects of systemic learning that have been facilitated. Perhaps what stands out most is the enthusiasm from the students as they have studied and discussed ideas, reflected on them and then incorporated these ideas into their practice. Being EE has given me the privileged position of being a witness to the journey these students have been on. Of course, this could not have happened without the knowledge, care and enthusiasm of the tutors – creating a safe space for rich learning to occur. So what lies ahead for Systemic Practice training in Derby I wonder – the path might not be clear at present. My hope is that the path will continue in some way so that the invaluable contribution that this course has made to the community of Systemic Practitioners and Family Therapists, might continue.