Michael Napthine – Connections past present and future.

Your role: Lead Family Therapist CAMHS

Your connection to the course: I completed the first two years of systemic training in Derby-based at the Mickleover site. I have taught on all years of the courses and been a member of the panel for viva’s for all years of the course. I was an associate lecturer/tutor for two years.

Connections past present and future.

The courses in Derby have been interweaved through the whole of my systemic journey and career. Without the Derby courses, I would genuinely not be where I am today. My journey started on the courses with Gary and Hilary in an old building where the floor looked like it was falling apart with people I still work with today as fellow learners. Despite saying on a sculpt exercise after year one that I would be unlikely to do any more training I went on to complete the first two years and immerse myself in DAFT before completing my training in Leeds. After this, my connection to the courses changed to one where I was offering teaching on the courses I had attended myself. The courses in Derby always had a rich history of this which made it feel almost like a family business where practitioners grew, learnt and went out into the world returning to provide support and care for the next generation. I have been lucky to witness and support many generations since that time through the courses including those who have trained to qualifying level in Derby. This has been in individual teaching sessions, on panels for the viva presentations and as a guest tutor. Indeed I am now working directly with family therapists who I originally met in this capacity who are now supporting others on their systemic journey. I am genuinely saddened to hear about the loss of the courses in Derby but very happy and proud to have been a part of this phenomena. Whilst the courses might be ending for now their influence will continue for many generations to come in the ongoing work of those it has touched and equipped over the years. for myself, I have recently completed the supervisor’s course and when I looked at the team and portfolio I realised that most of this connected to the courses in Derby in some way. Thanks, Derby courses and in particular Gary, Hilary, Lesley, Kath and Clare.

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