Online Conference 4th November 2021, Systemic Training: Celebration and Metamorphosis

We are holding an online celebration of systemic training on the 4 th of November when we will be sharing the celebration patchwork.


Derbyshire Systemic Training Courses: Looking Back and Hoping Forwards

Dr Gary Robinson and Dr Hilary Howell. Gary and Hilary who began the systemic training courses in Derby and contributed to them over many years will share their reflections

Where we are? How we got here? Where are we going?

John Burnham, Consultant Family and Systemic Psychotherapist and Parveen Kaur, Head of Systemic Training, Birmingham Woman’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Strategic Development of Systemic Training

Professor Hannah Sherbersky, Associate Professor, Systemic Psychotherapist, Deputy Director of Post Graduate Taught Programmes and Co-Director of Systemic Portfolio. University of Exeter.

Patchwork Text Assessment in Systemic Training

Lesley Novelle and Kath Williamson from the Systemic Training Team at the University of Derby.

Patchwork Text Assessment became central to the delivery of the systemic training courses in Derby and contributed to a rich learning experience for many students.  Lesley and Kath will explain the process and it’s benefits with contributions from former students.

Sharing the Celebration Patchwork

Everyone who is a part of our learning community is being invited to submit a short ‘patch’ that will form a Celebration Patchwork. The submissions are being pieced together on a website and this will be shared with everyone who has contributed. The Patchwork will tell a story about how the courses and CPD events in Derby have contributed to people’s practice and personal and professional development over the years. A selection of the patches, which reflect the richness and diversity of the completed patchwork and celebrate the connection with practice will be shared on the day.

We hope you will be able to join us, booking is via Eventbrite using the following link;